Infoa IB:stä - The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
The nature of the IB Diploma Programme
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university programme for students aged between 16 and 19. It is recognised by universities worldwide. The programme is administered by the IB, the International Baccalaureate, which was established in the 1960s, having its present headquarters in The Hague. Apart from high academic standard and personal intellectual rigour, a lot of attention is paid to the ideals of world citizenship and international understanding. In each IB school there is an IB Faculty, which consists of the Diploma Programme Coordinator and teachers responsible for fulfilling the requirements within the IB Diploma Programme.
The IB studies at Joensuun lyseon lukio
At Joensuun lyseon Lukio, the IB Diploma Programme consists of three academic years: the preparatory or Pre DP year (Class 1ib), the first IB year (Class 2ib) and the second IB year (Class 3ib). Class 1ib mainly comprises studies which are in accordance with the Finnish national programme, with the distinction that most compulsory courses are taught in English. After successfully completing the preparatory year (1ib) the student is then accepted to the IB Programme. If the 1ib requirements have not been successfully completed, the student need to discuss with IB coordinator and guidance councellor about the possibility to continue studies.
During their Pre DP year the students choose the subjects they want to study in the IB Programme from the selection of courses in the IB curriculum of the school. The number of subjects is normally six, in addition to which the students participate in the CAS programme (Creativity, Activity, Service, administered by the CAS coordinator), take a course in the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and compile an Extended Essay of some 4000 words in one of the subjects taught in the IB Diploma Programme at the school.
The 1ib students plan their own individual study programmes by choosing the courses from the selection of courses the school offers. There is a certain number of courses which are compulsory for all students. Non-Finnish students are not required to study Finnish or Swedish. In addition to the compulsory studies, the students take courses from the school curriculum so that they have a minimum of 30 course units during the first academic year. It is, however, possible in some cases to take courses from outside the school curriculum. These exceptions must be agreed upon with the Diploma Programme Coordinator. The number of 30 course units is the minimum, but the students are strongly encouraged to take more courses if they wish, according to their own interests. It is advisable to take courses that support the student’s choices in the IB Diploma Programme. Should there occur any problems with the course selection, the IB Faculty is more than willing to help.
The compulsory courses for all 1ib students are as follows:
preDP Finnish Courses 1, 2 and 3
preDP English Courses 1, 2, 3 and 4
preDP Swedish Courses 1&2 and 3
preDP Advanced Mathematics Courses 1, 2, 3 and 4
preDP History and Social Sciences Courses 1 and 2
preDP Business management 1
preDP Psychology Course 1
preDP Physics Course 1
preDP Chemistry Course 1
preDP Biology Course 1
preDP Methods in Natural Sciences Course 1
preDP TOK Course 1
In order to be promoted to the IB Diploma Programme, the 1ib students are required
• to have a minimum of 60 credits successfully completed
• to have successfully completed all the compulsory 1ib courses as described above (with the exception of non-Finnish students who do not need to study Finnish or Swedish).
Should any of the preconditions mentioned above not be fulfilled, the students may still be accepted to the IB Programme after first consulting the Diploma Programme Coordinator and then fulfilling the tasks given to them by the IB Faculty. The deadline for this extra work is determined by the IB Faculty.
School reports
The students can follow their progression in studies from Wilma -portal. In the ceremonies for all graduates in spring they will be awarded a final report, also called the school leaving certificate, and the white student cap, provided that their final report fulfils the given requirements. The IB Diploma will be awarded in the IB Diploma Award Ceremony arranged at the school on the first Friday of the following September.
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Classes 2ib and 3ib)
The two-year IB Diploma Programme (2ib and 3ib) consists of studies in six (or seven) subjects, which are offered on two levels, Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL). The student must have at least three and not more than four subjects on HL. On HL there are 240 hours of instruction (equivalent to nine course units in the
national programme), on SL 150 hours (5,5 course units). The subject groups at Joensuun Lyseon Lukio are the following:
Group 1: Finnish A Literature, English A Language and Literature
Group 2: Swedish B, German B
Group3: Business Management, History, Psychology
Group 4: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Group 5: Mathematics: Analysis and approaches HL / SL, Mathematics: Applications and interpretations SL.
In order to be awarded the IB Diploma the candidates must
1. offer at least one subject from each of the subject groups above
2. offer at least three and not more than four subjects on Higher Level
3. submit an Extended Essay on one of the subjects taught in the Diploma Programme
4. participate in the course on Theory of Knowledge and submit the required work
5. successfully participate in the CAS Programme (Creativity, Activity, Service)
The examinations for Class 2ib are as follows:
Autumn Term: 19 November – 26 November 2024, after Term 2
Spring Term: 26 March – 2 April 2025, after Term 4
Academic probation test: to be agreed on together with the corresponding teacher.
The examinations for Class 3ib are as follows (To be announced)
Autumn Term: 19 November – 26 November 2022, after Term 2
Spring Term: 13 March -24 March (Mock Exams). Due to reasons of timetabling, the starting date may change
Final Exams: 28 April – 28 May 2025
In order to be promoted to Class 3ib, the 2ib students are required
1. to have successfully completed their studies in the IB subjects on the following terms:
– the total grade not less than 24 in six subjects (self-taught Language A candidates: 20 points in five subjects)
– no SL subject grade lower than 3
– no HL subject lower than 4
2. to have successfully completed all the required written assignments and other tasks set by the IB Faculty, following the given deadlines
3. not to have missed more than 15 per cent of their classes in each subject course
If the student receives a failing grade (SL: lower than 3, HL: lower than 4), they become an “academic probationer”: they must pass a test set by the corresponding teacher in order to be promoted to the final year of the IB Diploma Programme. This probation test is arranged about one week prior to the next academic year. It is
important that the student informs the IB Coordinator by the end of May whether they will sit this examination or not. If this test is not passed or not attended, the student is to start the IB Diploma Programme from the beginning the following autumn.
The IB faculty
Eskelinen Tanja Mathematics
Frondelius Sirpa Swedish B
Goran Minna Mathematics
Hassinen Virpi Finnish A Literature, Finnish B
Heliö Seija Finnish A Literature
Hurskainen Antti-Ville Mathematics, Physics
Iivarinen Minna Psychology, Theory of Knowledge, CAS
Kaikkonen Niko Biology
Kautto Kari History
Kihlström Reetta English A Language and Literature
Kinttu Anni History, Business management
Lerch Adam DP Coordination, Biology, Chemistry
Levy Mika Guidance counselling, CAS
Orjala Elina Theory of Knowledge
Paakkinen Sampo Finnish A Literature
Pihlman Juha Physics
Pihlman Tiina German B
Rieppo Jarkko Head of school
The e-mail addresses of the teachers can be compiled as follows: except the following: (school secretary) and (Head of school)
Homeroom teachers: 1ib Niko Kaikkonen, 2ib Reetta Kihlström, 3ib Minna Iivarinen